N.GREEN-jb エヌグリーンジャンボ




All sell factory direct shoes offers a friendly shoes made in Japan foot

N.GREEN-jb(エヌグリーンジャンボ) コンセプトは「足に優しく、人に優しい、靴を」MADE IN JAPANの靴佐賀の熊野川という土地に工場があります。全てそこで作られている靴です○靴選びで失敗した経験がある○自分の足のトラブルを気にせず履きたい ○今よりは着心地の言い靴を探している○一日歩いても疲れない靴を探している○足がむくんでも痛くならない靴を探している○外反母趾、甲高、幅広に合う靴を探している○サイズがなくて困った経験があるこんな経験ありませんか?そんな声に限りなくお応え出来る靴の専門店ですN.GREEN-jb (NTT Green jumbo)The concept is"Gently on foot, people-friendly, the shoes."MADE IN JAPAN shoesOn land that Kumanogawa Saga There is a factory.All shoes are made thereThere is a failed experience ○ in shoes to chooseI want ○ wear without worrying about the trouble of their feetLooking for the comfort of said shoes ○ than nowWe are looking for a shoe that does not too tired to walk ○ dayWe are looking for does not hurt shoes ○ also swollen legs○ hallux valgus, are looking for high-pitched, a wider fit shoesThere is a troubled experience without the size ○You do not have this experience?It specializes in shoes that can meet as much as possible in such a voice